Version 1.0.0 from 11.07.2020
Changes to previous version:
- none
e-CoC Schema
MaterialCertification Schema
Version 0.9.4
Changes to previous version:
- NormativeReference changed to NormativeRef
- EcocType: new Parameter “Process” for Process-CoC, StampingCertificate removed
- PartyRole: changes
- UpperCamelCase Syntax
Online Documentation V0.9.4 not yet available
Version 0.9.3 from 30.04.2020
Changes to previous version:
- additional PartyRoles (Consigner, Certifier, InspectionAgency)
Version 0.9.2 from 24.04.2020
Changes to previous version:
- sdfsdaf
- asdf
Version 0.9.1 from 15.04.2020
Changes to previous version:
- sdfsdaf
- asdf
Version 0.9.0
Version 0.9.0 from 01.04.2020